Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. Leader on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC EMI Receiver  
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  PMM 9010 9030 9060 9180

PMM 9010 - 9030  - 9060 - 9180PMM

PMM 9010 Fully CISPR 16-1-1 Compliant digital EMC/EMI receivers 10 Hz – 18 GHz

Main features at a glance
• The state of art 30 MHz EMI Digital Receiver is the platform of the system. Based on direct Analog to Digital conversion and sophisticated computation, it offers calibration-free operation on almost all of its key components, i.e. RBW filters, detectors, demodulation… while the RF front-end is self-calibrated by the internal, precise RF signal generator.
• Uniquely compact and lightweight:
  - 3,5 kg, the low frequency unit PMM 9010
  - 2 kg the high frequency extensions (PMM 9030,     PMM 9060, PMM 9180), all battery operated.
• Hardware and Firmware designed around the current EMC standards, ready to upgrade to future changes in the same.
• Powerful digital Click Analyzer full compliance to latest CISPR 14-1 specifications, 1 (internal option) or 4 (external option) channels.
• Frequency ranges from 10 Hz to 30 MHz; 3 GHz; 6 GHz; 18 GHz
• Full compliance with the latest edition of CISPR 16-1-1 standard, including RMS-AVG detector and APD function.
• All CISPR and MIL-STD-461E RBW filters
• Integrated preamplifier (all units) and pulse limiter (PMM 9010)
• Mostly maintenance and calibration free; service done in minutes
• Built-in tracking signal generator up to 30 MHz (PMM 9010)
• Multimode functions: sweep, spectrum analyzer, scalar network analyzer, manual receiver
• Smart Detector: a “productivity booster” feature designed to dramatically improve test speed
• Flexible, easy to use for any kind of measurement in stand-alone, integrated in systems or driven by PC.
• Optical link between main and high frequency units.
• No need of coaxial cable to connect the antenna to the receiver.
• No aging of critical parts of a receiver that cause degradation of measurement accuracy
• Fastest service by just swapping factory-calibrated modules.
• Cost-effective, modular solution that grows with user's needs. 
• Manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic test modes.
• AC and battery powered for maximum flexibility
• Extremely fast in all tests

Product description (PDF): English
PMM EMI Receiver features all the Detectors and evaluation modes as required by the la test CISPR 16-1-1 and Amendments:
- Peak
- Quasi-Peak
- C-AVG (Logarithmic Average)
- AVG (Linear Average)
- RMS-Average
- APD (Amplitude Probability Distribution) evaluation
All Detectors operate simultaneously and up to six traces can be displayed correspondingly by the PMM Emission Suite PC Software supplied together with the Receivers. Simultaneous markers reading provided too.

Continuing the tradition of offering innovative technological solutions for easy and practical measurements applications, PMM 9010 - a fully digital receiver in the range 10 Hz to 30 MHz - is the milestone of a system which grows together with the users’ needs: all EMC conducted measurements will be possible simply upgrading the PMM 9010 with specific options, e.g. Click Meter, and accessories – LISNs and probes - providing full compliance to any known international standard or proprietary specifications.
Practically maintenance-free and exceptionally stable, the PMM 9010 EMI Receiver is the ideal solution for reliable measurements day after day, month after month, year after year.
As an outstanding feature, service can be easily done by simply replacing plug-in pre-calibrated subassemblies: a highly valued advantage in case, for example, of damage to the RF front-end.
Indeed, the user can be back into operations in very short time, being sure of his receiver perfect calibration.
Narda STS’s highly qualified Sales Network will be your consultant for any requirement you may have: ask to the experts and “surf the noisy waves” with PMM 9010, the reference star in the EMC market.
PMM 9030 and PMM 9060: the companions of PMM 9010 to make tests up to 3 or 6 GHz
These frequency range extensions for PMM 9010 benefit of Narda’s latest technology design that combines very high frequencies with the digital approach, thus enabling the test system to go up to 3 or 6 GHz as a full-compliance EMI receiver.
PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are ultra-fast 30MHz - 3GHz or 6GHz receivers extending the measurement frequency range of PMM 9010 up to the field of Radiated Emissions, thanks to a proprietary, dedicated RF module based on Narda’s latest technology design that combines very high frequencies with the digital approach.
A fast and safe connection with PMM 9010 is guaranteed by a High Speed Digital Optical Link, providing the most immune way to transfer data.
Very limited dimensions and lightweight construction allow the PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 to be connected directly to the antenna, just making the dream of many test engineers come true. Benefits are really a lot, as RF coaxial cables for antenna to receiver connection may significantly affect measurements due to intrinsic cable loss and impedance mismatch.
Moreover, cables may pick unwanted RF signals along the path from the antenna to the receiver. PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 overcome all those error sources through the optical link, thus providing more accurate and reliable measurements.
To allow complete galvanic separation, PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are powered by the same Li-Ion plug-in rechargeable battery of the 9010 unit, providing full interchangeability and noise-free performances along four hours of continuous operation. Replacing the plug-in battery just take few seconds, for increased productivity.
The PMM software can drive the couple 9010 – 9030 or 9010 - 9060 to perform in an easy way any measurement foreseen by the civilian and military standards, even stand-alone or, whenever required, with the necessary auxiliary equipment (e.g. LISNs for conducted tests up to any needed frequency, etc.).
Differently from analogue receivers, in the PMM 9010 & 9030-9060 there are less parts contributing to the overall uncertainty. The result is a superior performance stability during time. the following table shows a cross-comparison with a typical analogue receiver .
The following picture shows a real case of comparison between antenna-receiver connected by coaxial cable (blue trace) and PMM 9030 directly connected to the antenna and linked to PMM 9010 by fiber optic cable (pink trace).
PMM’s solution can prevent unwanted signals being picked up by the coaxial cable along its path from the antenna to outside the chamber, as well as the long path cable losses.
In all operation modes PMM Digital Receivers dramatically improve the test speed:
- Sweep mode, band A (9 to 150 kHz) : prior to apply the long time-consuming test as required by CISPR, the user can take advantage of the huge internal memory of the mod. 9010 and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) technique to obtain a complete scan of the band A in only 1 second, even with the CISPR 200 Hz RBW filter weighting and detectors.
Then, only those peaks exceeding the selected limits will be measured in standard mode, thus saving a great deal of time. This function is particularly useful with those EUT like many appliances and electric tools that are switched on for short time, not measurable in conventional sweep mode.
- Sweep mode, all bands up to 6 GHz
A clever function - the Smart Detector - that was first introduced in PMM’s receivers in1990 allows the receiver starting scanning with the fast peak detector; as soon as the reading is close to a threshold - corresponding to a selected limit, or limit with offset - it immediately turns to the Quasi-peak detector - or any other selected -, moves some frequency step back and starts sweeping again with the new detector until the levels remain over the preset threshold. Then the receiver turns back in peak mode and continues the scan at the highest possible speed, repeating this process any time there’s an over limit peak .
- Analyzer Mode
The receiver performs spectrum analyzer functions but with the optimized response to pulsed signals characteristic of an EMI receiver; the very high scan speed (<100 ms for full-span 9 kHz - 30 MHz @ IF resolution 300 kHz) makes it ideal for any kind of debugging.
To maintain calibration a signal reference is essential: a high stability internal RF Signal Generator (60 to 90 dBµV in 0,1dB steps) is included in PMM 9010.
This RF generator can also work in tracking mode with the span or set at any frequency in the range of 10 Hz to 50 MHz, thus making the receiver an easy to use scalar network analyzer for characterizing components, antennas,
filters etc.
APD is a statistical characterization of signals recently introduced for testing above 1 GHz. It’s based on a scan of selected spans and measurements on several frequencies with Peak detector and Max Hold, then frequencies that show highest disturbance levels are sorted and compared with the limits for a given “Probability”.
This requires the receiver featuring outstanding hardware with high dynamic, huge memory and ultra-fast computation capabilities.
Test Engineers can select the most convenient test approach: fully automatic, semiautomatic, manual, etc.
APD as a standard feature of PMM’s EMI receiver model 9010 and 9030 – 9060 frequency extension units.
Universal kit for mounting PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 directly on the antenna connector

the receiver can be operated as stand-alone by thefront knob and soft keys through user-friendlymenus, or remotely by a PC connected via USB orRS232 Serial interface (Bluetooth optionally).

Rechargeable/Replaceable internal batteries
for enhanced portability and for field (in situ) tests, offering also the major advantage to be completely disconnected from the mains in critical analysis, for measurements not influenced at all in hostile or noisy environments.



Fiber optic link between PMM 9010 main unit and
PMM 9030 & 9060 RF extension units.

Max. length: 100 m

Click Meter option
allows the User to perform click tests in a straightforward and easy way.
PMM 9010 takes care of everything: evaluation of the Click Rate N; applicable exceptions; Click measurement using Upper Quartile Method; Full Report with all mandatory data.
PMM 9010 fully supports the new standard dealing with all the allowed four exceptions , showing in real time all the events including click details and reporting all mandatory and optional data to make a detailed report. It shall be noted that the handling of E-3 is the most demanding in terms of hardware and software, however it is also the exception that is more beneficial for the customer, as it allows to completely skipping unnecessary tests. In general, the first investigation is terminated as per one of the required events listed in the standard: after 40 clicks; after the standard 120 minutes; after a specific time span; manually; paused and resumed to allow restarting recursive EUT programs. Moreover, PMM 9010 has the unique feature “Smart Measure” that can dramatically speed up the Click test: another productivity feature by Narda STS.
Emission Suite PC software
A powerful Software Utility that add PMM 9010, PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 receivers of extremely useful functions to control measurements as well as to collect, analyze and post-process data safely and easily as never before.
Examples of the most required functions, some of them peculiar of PMM’s receivers, are shown in the PMM 9010 Brochure. The Emission Suite PC Software comes together with your PMM 9010 series Receivers.


Product description (PDF): English

    PMM 9010 Fully CISPR 16-1-1 Compliant digital EMC/EMI receivers now extended till 18 GHz

The only full-compliant EMI receiver directly connected to the antenna

Sharing the same approach – fiber optic instead of coax cable – of the other units PMM 9030 & 9060, the PMM 9180 boosts our EMI Receivers in the upper level market bringing innovation, performance and convenience.

Frequency range: 6 – 18 GHz

Physical size and operating principle identical to the units PMM 9030 and PMM 9060
Battery autonomy: 4 hours minimum
Uses the same battery BP-01 and adapter SPA-01
Excellent noise floor
Preamplifier included
Fully compatible with the PES – PMM Emission Suite

  • Fiber optic high-speed digital communication replaces expensive cables and reduces uncertainty sources
  • Rechargeable plug-in battery for long operation installed on the antenna mast
  • Full compliance to CISPR 16-1-1 and MIL-STD 
  • Features all new detectors 
  • Cuts turnaround times and costs of periodic calibration check
  • May avoid expensive preamplifiers

The 6 – 18 GHz frequency range has been chosen according to the type of mostly used antennas that divide the range of 30 MHz – 18 GHz in two sub-bands: up to 6 Ghz and from 6 GHz up.

This choice allowed for optimizing dimensions, weight, autonomy and cost.

Product description (PDF): English


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